Prague Med. Rep. 2018, 119, 9-29

Sepsis Diagnostics in the Era of “Omics” Technologies

Miroslav Průcha1, Roman Zazula2, Stefan Russwurm3

1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
2Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Thomayer Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
3Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany

Received December 5, 2017
Accepted March 19, 2018

Sepsis is a multifactorial clinical syndrome with an extremely dynamic clinical course and with high diverse clinical phenotype. Early diagnosis is crucial for the final clinical outcome. Previous studies have not identified a biomarker for the diagnosis of sepsis which would have sufficient sensitivity and specificity. Identification of the infectious agents or the use of molecular biology, next gene sequencing, has not brought significant benefit for the patient in terms of early diagnosis. Therefore, we are currently searching for biomarkers, through “omics” technologies with sufficient diagnostic specificity and sensitivity, able to predict the clinical course of the disease and the patient response to therapy. Current progress in the use of systems biology technologies brings us hope that by using big data from clinical trials such biomarkers will be found.


This study was supported by the Czech Republic Ministry of Health’s conceptual development of research organisation (Nemocnice Na Homolce – NNH, 00023884, IG144101 and Thomayerova nemocnice – TN, 00064190).


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