Prague Med. Rep. 2021, 122, 96-105

Salmonella Paratyphi Infection: Use of Nanopore Sequencing as a Vivid Alternative for the Identification of Invading Bacteria

Martin Chmel1,2, Oldřich Bartoš2,3, Ondřej Beran1, Petr Pajer2, Jiří Dresler2, Martina Čurdová4, Michal Holub1

1Department of Infectious Diseases, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Military University Hospital Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
2Military Health Institute, Military Medical Agency, Prague, Czech Republic
3Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Laboratory of Fish Genetics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Liběchov, Czech Republic
4Department of Clinical Microbiology, Military University Hospital Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Received July 23, 2020
Accepted April 30, 2021


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