Prague Med. Rep. 2024, 125, 172-177

Weight-bearing Ultrasound to Diagnose Talar Dislocation Causing Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Márcio Luís Duarte1, Mayara Oliveira da Silva2, Ocacir de Souza Reis Soares3, Norma Sueli Albino Moreira4, Eduardo Kenzo Arie5

1Universidade de Ribeirão Preto – Campus Guarujá, Guarujá (SP), Brazil
2Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos (SP), Brazil
3Clínica Radiológica Ocacir Soares, Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil
4Hospital Brasil, Santo André (SP), Brazil
5Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos, Santos (SP), Brazil

Received May 16, 2023
Accepted May 7, 2024

The neuropathic compression of the tibial nerve and/or its branches on the medial side of the ankle is called tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS). Patients with TTS presents pain, paresthesia, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, muscle cramps or numbness which affects the sole of the foot, the heel, or both. The clinical diagnosis is challenging because of the fairly non-specific and several symptomatology. We demonstrate a case of TTS caused by medial dislocation of the talar bone on the calcaneus bone impacting the tibial nerve diagnosed only by ultrasound with the patient in the standing position.


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