A. Fazaeli
Association of –607 C/A Polymorphism of IL-18 Gene (rs1946518) with Breast Cancer Risk in Zahedan, Southeast Iran
M. Taheri, Mohammad Hashemi, E. Eskandari-Nasab, A. Fazaeli, F. Arbabi, M. Bahrani-Zeidabadi, G. Bahari
2012, Vol. 113, Issue 3, pp. 217-222
The following name might also represent this author:
Asghar Fazaeli
Topical Treatment Modalities for Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Review
R. Alavi-Naini, Asghar Fazaeli, T. O'Dempsey
2012, Vol. 113, Issue 2, pp. 105-118