Prague Med. Rep. 2012, 113, 119-135

Early Modern “Citation Index”? Medical Authorities in Academic Treatises on Plague (1480–1725)

Karel Černý

Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Received September 12, 2011
Accepted April 11, 2012

The paper deals with the problem of early modern scientific citations. It attempts to establish a measure of scientific popularity in a specific area of the academic medicine in a way which resembles a modern evaluation of scientific activity (citation index). For this purpose an analysis of a series of plague treatises written between 1480 and 1725 in Europe was conducted. Citations for various historical medical authorities (Hippocrates, Galen, etc.) are given in Tables which reflect a long time development of popularity. The authorities from various groups (Ancient, Medieval, Arabic, Early Modern) are linked together, and “generic authorities” are explained and discussed.


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